
From gr. ἀγορά agorá. 1. f. Meeting or discussion place.

Global Trends

117 posts

Happy clients and friends

9 posts

Technology Is Sexy

26 posts

A Team With Superpowers

21 posts

Kobalt Academy

73 posts

Translating Confidential Information: our experience

Translating Confidential Information: our experience

Key Figures In A Translation Agency: Solutions Architect

Key Figures In A Translation Agency: Solutions Architect

Cooking translation

Cooking translation

How do we manage your project with 50 translators in less than 24 hours?
Sportswear campaigns that suffered (or benefited) from localisation

Sportswear campaigns that suffered (or benefited) from localisation

Translating Taboos

Translating Taboos

The Great Game of Thrones Spanish Dub Fiasco (Spoilers)

The Great Game of Thrones Spanish Dub Fiasco (Spoilers)

The Weirdest Easter Traditions On Earth

The Weirdest Easter Traditions On Earth

The Feud That Could Kill A Language

The Feud That Could Kill A Language

5 tips to keep your translations in time and within budget

5 tips to keep your translations in time and within budget

Portable Translators: Are they worth it?

Portable Translators: Are they worth it?

Pros and Cons of Machine Translation

Pros and Cons of Machine Translation

The Art of Translating Poetry

The Art of Translating Poetry

How will Brexit affect translation agencies?

How will Brexit affect translation agencies?

Christmas Around The World

Christmas Around The World

Translating Christmas

Translating Christmas

Frozen Idioms

Frozen Idioms

International Keyword Research: Conclusions

International Keyword Research: Conclusions

International Keyword Research: The Human Factor

International Keyword Research: The Human Factor

International Keyword Research: World Trends

International Keyword Research: World Trends

International Keyword Research: Finding the keywords

International Keyword Research: Finding the keywords

International Keyword Research: The Engines - Part 2

International Keyword Research: The Engines - Part 2

International Keyword Research: The Engines - Part 1

International Keyword Research: The Engines - Part 1

International Keyword Research: The Three Rules

International Keyword Research: The Three Rules

International Keyword Research: First steps

International Keyword Research: First steps

The Untranslatables 2: learn what to say when waiting for the Amazon delivery guy
The Untranslatables: when words are unique

The Untranslatables: when words are unique

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