Adapting to a New Generation of Buyers: Lessons from Gen Z


We're increasingly dealing with Gen Z buyers, and their preferences are changing the landscape of B2B sales. Learn more about our experience

As someone who has been working closely with the sales department at a language service provider for more than 10 years, I've recently noticed a shift that's been making me reflect on how we approach customer interactions. We're increasingly dealing with Gen Z buyers, and their preferences are changing the landscape of B2B sales.

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z avoids conflict, steers clear of lengthy phone conversations, and prefers chat-based communication. Their buying decisions are often influenced by how seamlessly we integrate into their communication preferences, pushing us to rethink traditional sales strategies.


So, how can we adapt?

Here are a few key strategies that can help navigate these shifts:

  1. Embrace Chat & Messaging Tools: Since Gen Z favours quick, concise communication, integrating messaging apps or chat platforms (like Slack, WhatsApp, Teams or even LinkedIn messaging) into your sales funnel can improve engagement and responsiveness. Use these tools for quick updates, questions, or even closing deals.
  2. Offer Transparency & Clarity: This generation values authenticity and wants clear, honest communication without the fluff. Create easy-to-read proposals, provide transparent pricing, and ensure your value proposition is crystal clear in every interaction. They want information but on their own terms.
  3. Leverage Social Media: Gen Z is socially connected and tends to gather information from digital channels. Sharing case studies, client testimonials, or service updates on platforms like LinkedIn or even TikTok can help build trust and provide touchpoints before they even engage in a formal conversation.
  4. Move Toward Self-Service Options: Offering more self-service tools like pricing calculators, automated quotes, or FAQ sections on your website empowers Gen Z buyers to get the information they need independently. They’re used to researching on their own before reaching out.
  5. Foster Low-Pressure Communication: Gen Z tends to shy away from high-pressure tactics. They value a collaborative, consultative approach over hard selling. Be available for questions, and offer guidance, but allow them to move at their own pace.
  6. Adapt to Remote Preferences: Many Gen Z professionals work remotely, and so do we! Offering virtual product demos, video walkthroughs, and even interactive presentations can provide a more comfortable buying environment.


The future of sales is changing

We at Kobalt want to meet our customers where they are. By understanding the unique preferences of Gen Z buyers, we have created new collaboration processes in which an agile methodology takes place, and also make use of the latest technology to automate tasks and only communicate when we add value. We have also adapted our communication channels with our current customers but also are open to adapting to any platform or tool needed. All in all, when it comes to collaboration, at Kobalt we have it very clear:

  • We build relationships, not just transactions

In line with Gen Z’s preference for authenticity, we at Kobalt prioritize relationship-building over transactional sales. By fostering genuine, long-term partnerships with our customers, we aim to be more than just a service provider, all enabled by our agile approach.

  • We create innovative solutions for the new generation

To serve a generation that thrives on innovation, Kobalt is constantly refining our technology and processes. We use advanced automation and data-driven insights to streamline operations, giving you more time to focus on what matters: your business growth.

What about your business? Have you experienced similar shifts? How are you adapting your approach to meet the needs of this new generation of buyers? 

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