How to Produce 30 Million Product Datasheets with AI


In today’s globalized economy, companies with vast product catalogues need to provide accurate, consistent, and accessible product information to customers in various languages across multiple markets.

Creating product datasheets — a critical piece of documentation for consumers, regulatory agencies, and marketing teams — can be a massive challenge when dealing with millions of products. For companies operating on a large scale, manually creating and translating these datasheets is neither cost-effective nor feasible.

Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a powerful solution to automate and scale the generation of these datasheets while maintaining quality, accuracy, and consistency. In this article, we will explore how AI can be used to produce 30 million product datasheets, breaking down the process into key stages and discussing the technologies that make this possible.

The Challenge of Generating 30 Million Product Datasheets

Before diving into the specifics of how AI can solve this challenge, let us briefly outline the key pain points involved in manually producing product datasheets:

  • Volume: When dealing with millions of products, the sheer quantity of datasheets to be generated is overwhelming.
  • Localization: In a global business environment, datasheets must be translated into multiple languages and localized to account for regional variations (e.g., measurement systems, currency, and regulatory requirements).
  • Consistency and Accuracy: Ensuring that datasheets are consistent across products, categories, and languages is critical for maintaining brand integrity and meeting compliance standards.
  • Time and Cost: Manually producing datasheets, especially at this scale, would require a significant workforce and extended timeframes, leading to high costs.

Given these challenges, companies need an automated system that not only generates datasheets efficiently but also ensures they are of high quality and tailored for different markets. This is where AI comes into play.

How AI Solves the Problem: A Step-by-Step Process

1. Data Collection and Structuring

The first step in generating product datasheets is to gather all the necessary data for each product. This includes product specifications, descriptions, images, pricing, and other relevant details. AI can streamline the data collection process in several ways:

  • Extracting Data from Internal Systems: Many companies store product information in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Product Information Management (PIM) software, or other databases. AI-driven data extraction tools can automatically retrieve this information, ensuring that it is properly structured and ready for use.
  • Web Scraping for External Data: In cases where product information is spread across external sources, AI-powered web scraping tools can collect and organize relevant data. For instance, if product reviews, ratings, or competitor data are needed, AI can gather this data efficiently and accurately.
  • Data Wrangling: After data collection, the next step is to structure the data. AI-based data wrangling tools can transform raw data into a standardized format, making it easier to use for generating datasheets. These tools can handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, automatically identifying key fields and organizing the information accordingly.

2. AI-Powered Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Once the data is structured, the next task is to generate the textual content of the datasheets. This is where Natural Language Generation (NLG) comes in. NLG is a subset of AI that can produce human-readable text from structured data, making it ideal for automating the creation of product descriptions and specifications.

  • Templates for Different Product Categories: The first step in this process is to create templates for different types of products. For example, an electronics product like a smartphone will have a different template than a piece of furniture or a piece of industrial machinery. AI can automatically match each product to the appropriate template based on its category.
  • Filling Templates with Data: NLG algorithms can then fill these templates with the structured product data, automatically generating product descriptions, technical specifications, usage instructions, and other key details. These algorithms can be programmed to vary the tone and style depending on the target audience (e.g., B2B vs. B2C).
  • Automatic Image Tagging: AI systems can also tag and place relevant images alongside the text. Using computer vision algorithms, AI can identify the most appropriate image for each product and embed it into the datasheet.
  • Customization for Target Markets: In some cases, product descriptions may need to be customized for different regions or market segments. AI can automatically adjust the content based on predefined parameters, such as regional preferences or compliance requirements.

By automating the generation of textual content, AI significantly reduces the time and effort required to create millions of product datasheets while maintaining consistency and accuracy across the board.

3. Multi-Language Translation and Localization

One of the biggest challenges for global companies is ensuring that product datasheets are available in multiple languages. Not only must the datasheets be translated accurately, but they must also be localized to account for regional differences in language, culture, and regulations.

AI-driven Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems can handle this task efficiently and at scale. NMT uses advanced deep learning techniques to translate text from one language to another, ensuring high-quality and contextually appropriate translations.

  • Accurate, Context-Sensitive Translations: Unlike traditional rule-based translation systems, NMT models are capable of understanding context, which is particularly important for technical content like product datasheets. For example, an AI translation system can distinguish between different meanings of a word based on its usage in the datasheet.
  • Localization Beyond Translation: In addition to translating text, AI can also handle localization tasks, such as adjusting for regional differences in units of measurement (e.g., converting inches to centimetres), currencies, or regulatory requirements. AI systems can automatically detect these differences and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the datasheets are compliant with local laws and preferences.
  • Human-in-the-Loop (HiTL): While AI-driven translation systems are highly effective, certain cases—particularly those involving technical or legal terms—may require human oversight. A "human-in-the-loop" approach ensures that critical translations are reviewed and verified by human translators, particularly when accuracy is paramount.

By automating the translation and localization process, AI enables companies to generate datasheets in dozens of languages, reaching customers in every corner of the globe.

4. Automated Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance is critical when producing product datasheets at scale. Mistakes in product descriptions, technical specifications, or translations can damage a company’s reputation and even lead to regulatory issues. AI can play a crucial role in automating QA, ensuring that all datasheets meet the company’s standards.

  • Consistency Checks: AI-powered QA systems can automatically check for consistency across all datasheets. For example, the system can ensure that key product specifications (e.g., dimensions, weight, pricing) are consistent across different languages and regions.
  • Error Detection: AI systems can also detect anomalies or errors in the datasheets. For instance, if a product description contains contradictory information or if a translation is inaccurate, the system can flag these issues for review.
  • Terminology Management: In a global organization, maintaining consistent terminology is essential. AI can integrate with a centralized terminology database to ensure that specific terms (e.g., technical jargon, brand names) are used consistently across all datasheets and languages.

By automating the QA process, AI ensures that datasheets are error-free and consistent across products, categories, and languages, reducing the need for manual reviews.

5. Workflow Automation and Scaling

Producing 30 million datasheets requires a highly efficient and scalable workflow. AI-powered workflow automation tools can manage the entire process, from data collection to final publication, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

  • Task Scheduling: AI can prioritize and schedule tasks based on product launch timelines, localization needs, and other factors. For example, AI systems can ensure that datasheets for high-priority products are generated and published first, while lower-priority products are handled later.
  • Cloud-Based Scalability: To handle the massive volume of datasheets, companies can leverage cloud-based AI systems. Cloud infrastructure allows for scalability, enabling the AI systems to process large volumes of data in parallel and generate datasheets quickly.
  • Version Control and Updates: AI can also handle updates to datasheets. For example, if a product’s specifications change or if new regulatory requirements are introduced, the AI system can automatically detect these changes and update the relevant datasheets accordingly.

With AI-driven workflow automation, companies can efficiently manage the production of 30 million datasheets, ensuring that the process is scalable and adaptable to changing business needs.

6. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Product datasheets are not static documents. As products evolve, new features are added, or specifications change, companies need a way to keep their datasheets up to date. AI can automate this process by continuously monitoring product data for changes and updating the datasheets as needed.

  • Real-Time Updates: AI systems can monitor internal databases and external sources for changes in product data. When a change is detected—such as a new feature being added to a product or an update to compliance requirements—the AI system can automatically generate an updated datasheet and publish it.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In industries with stringent regulatory requirements, keeping datasheets compliant is critical. AI systems can automatically monitor changes in regional regulations and ensure that datasheets are updated to reflect the latest requirements.

By automating the maintenance and update process, AI ensures that datasheets remain accurate and up to date, reducing the burden on human teams.

The Benefits of Using AI for Datasheet Production

The AI-driven approach to producing 30 million product datasheets offers several key benefits:

1. Time Efficiency

AI significantly reduces the time required to generate datasheets. What would take years to accomplish manually can now be done in months. AI-driven processes like NLG, translation, and workflow automation allow for rapid content creation and publication.

2. Cost Savings

By automating the process, companies can reduce labour costs associated with manual content creation, translation, and quality assurance. AI-driven systems require fewer human resources while delivering high-quality results, offering a substantial return on investment (ROI).

3. Consistency and Accuracy

AI ensures that product datasheets are consistent and accurate across products, categories, and languages. With automated QA systems and centralized terminology management, companies can maintain brand integrity and avoid costly errors.

4. Scalability

AI systems can handle large volumes of datasheets, making them ideal for companies with massive product catalogues. Cloud-based infrastructure allows for the scaling of operations as needed, ensuring that even the largest datasets can be processed efficiently.

5. Global Reach

By automating translation and localization, AI enables companies to provide datasheets in multiple languages and regions. This is essential for businesses looking to expand into new markets or maintain compliance in different regulatory environments.


The task of producing 30 million product datasheets may seem daunting, but with the help of AI, it becomes a manageable and efficient process. By automating data collection, content generation, translation, quality assurance, and workflow management, AI enables companies to scale their operations and deliver high-quality datasheets to customers worldwide.

As AI technology continues to evolve, its potential for automating large-scale content production will only increase, making it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. For companies facing the challenge of generating millions of datasheets, AI offers a powerful solution that delivers speed, accuracy, and scalability at an unprecedented level.



Dale, Robert; Reiter, Ehud. "Natural Language Generation in Artificial Intelligence"

Wu et al., 2016. "Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation"

Forrester Research: "The Forrester Wave™: Robotic Process Automation, Q1 2023"

Grammarly Blog: "Automating Content Quality: AI-Powered Proofreading and Consistency Checks"

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