Case Study: Delivering Multilingual Video Content for Exclusive Fashion Event in 8 hours


In the fast-paced world of fashion and social media, timing is everything. When our client, a global fashion brand, approached Kobalt with an urgent request, we knew we had to act fast. The challenge: transcribe and translate eight videos in multiple languages within a single workday to amplify the reach of an exclusive fashion event across the brand's global social media channels.

This case study explores how Kobalt's expertise in multilingual content production, coupled with our agile project management and dedication to client success, enabled us to meet the tight deadline while delivering high-quality translations in previously unexplored language combinations. By leveraging our comprehensive language services and industry knowledge, we helped the client share their exciting fashion event with a global audience, showcasing the power of effective multilingual communication in the digital age.

The Client Challenge: 8 Videos, 3 Languages, 1 Day. Welcome to the Social Media Race

The client, a renowned clothing brand known for its vibrant designs and unique style, had organized an exclusive fashion show in Barcelona. The event featured various influencers from different countries, and they wanted to capitalize on this global appeal by sharing interview videos across their international social media platforms.

The challenge presented to Kobalt was multifaceted:

  • Tight Deadline: Transcribe and translate eight videos within a single workday to ensure timely social media posting.
  • Multiple Source Languages: The videos contained content in three different source languages.
  • New Language Combinations: Some of the required language pairs had never been worked on for this client before.
  • Volume: The total content amounted to several minutes of video across three distinct linguistic combinations.
  • Urgency: The client needed the translated content immediately to maintain the momentum of their fashion event.

This project required not only linguistic expertise but also efficient project management and a deep understanding of the fashion industry's fast-paced social media landscape. The brand needed a partner who could deliver high-quality translations quickly, ensuring their message resonated with their diverse, global audience.

Kobalt's Approach: Linguistic Agility in Action

Upon receiving the request, Kobalt immediately set into motion a comprehensive approach designed to meet the client's needs efficiently and effectively:

  • Rapid Response and Consultation:
    • We quickly arranged a brief call with the client to understand their requirements and address any initial concerns.
    • Our team provided expert advice on the best way to proceed, considering the tight deadline and unique language combinations.
  • Transparent Budgeting:
    • We promptly prepared and sent an indicative budget to give the client a clear idea of the project's cost.
    • This transparency allowed the client to make informed decisions and confirmed our ability to deliver within the specified timeframe.
  • Tailored Project Planning:
    • Our project management team devised a streamlined workflow to accommodate the urgent nature of the request.
    • We allocated our most skilled linguists who were not only proficient in the required language pairs but also familiar with fashion industry terminology.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation:
    • We assembled a dedicated team of transcribers, translators, and quality assurance specialists to work concurrently on different aspects of the project.
    • This parallel processing approach allowed us to maximize efficiency without compromising on quality.
  • Continuous Communication:
    • Throughout the project, we maintained open lines of communication with the client, providing regular updates on progress and addressing any questions or concerns immediately.
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Despite the time constraints, we implemented our standard quality control measures, including peer reviews and final checks, to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the translations.
  • Industry-Specific Expertise:
    • Our team leveraged their knowledge of fashion terminology and social media content to ensure the translations were not only linguistically accurate but also culturally appropriate and engaging for the brand’s target audience.

By combining our linguistic expertise, efficient project management, and industry-specific knowledge, Kobalt was able to tackle this challenging project head-on, demonstrating our ability to deliver under pressure.

From Runway to Global Reach: Delivering Multilingual Success

Through our dedicated efforts and streamlined approach, Kobalt successfully delivered the project within the tight deadline, meeting all of the client’s requirements:

  • Timely Delivery: We completed the transcription and translation of all eight videos within the single workday timeframe, allowing the brand to post the content on their global social media channels as planned.
  • Multilingual Content: We successfully handled the three source languages and delivered accurate translations in the required target languages, including combinations that were new for this client.
  • Volume and Quality: We processed a total of 15 minutes of video content, translating interviews across three distinct linguistic combinations while maintaining high quality standards.
  • Ready-to-Use Deliverables: The translated content was delivered in a format ready for the social media team to edit and publish immediately.
  • Client Satisfaction: the client was extremely pleased with the quick turnaround and the quality of the translations, which allowed them to effectively share their exclusive fashion event with a global audience.
  • Enhanced Global Reach: By providing multilingual content, we helped the brand expand their reach and engage with their international audience more effectively.
  • Strengthened Partnership: Our ability to meet this challenging deadline and deliver high-quality work further solidified our relationship with our client, positioning Kobalt as a reliable partner for future multilingual content needs.

The successful completion of this project demonstrated Kobalt's capacity to handle complex, time-sensitive multilingual projects in the dynamic fashion and retail industry.

Beyond Words: The Kobalt Advantage in Fashion Content

This case study highlights several key aspects of Kobalt's service offering and the value we bring to our clients:

  • Rapid Response: Our ability to quickly understand client needs and provide immediate solutions is crucial in time-sensitive situations.
  • Expert Consultation: We don't just execute tasks; we provide valuable advice to help clients make informed decisions about their multilingual content strategy.
  • Transparency: Clear communication about project scope, timelines, and costs builds trust and ensures alignment with client expectations.
  • Flexibility: Our capacity to handle new language combinations and adapt to unique client requirements sets us apart in the language services industry.
  • Industry Expertise: Our understanding of the fashion and retail sector, combined with our linguistic skills, ensures that translations are not just accurate but also culturally relevant and engaging.
  • Efficient Project Management: Our ability to coordinate complex projects with multiple moving parts under tight deadlines demonstrates our operational excellence.
  • Quality Assurance: Even under pressure, we maintain high standards of quality, ensuring that our clients receive polished, professional content.
  • Global Impact: By enabling clients to communicate effectively with their international audience, we help them expand their global reach and brand presence.


The successful execution of this challenging project for this client exemplifies Kobalt's commitment to delivering exceptional language services in the fast-paced world of fashion and retail. By combining our linguistic expertise, efficient project management, and deep industry knowledge, we were able to meet our client's urgent needs and contribute to the success of their global social media strategy.

As the fashion industry continues to evolve and embrace digital transformation, Kobalt stands ready to support brands in their multilingual communication efforts, ensuring that their message resonates with audiences around the world, regardless of language or cultural barriers.

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